Know The Capital? Can You Spot 17 Hidden London Attractions?

Can You Spot 17 Hidden London Attractions -
July 17, 2017


Can you spot your Kew Gardens from your queue gardens? Do you know your Tower Bridge from your London Bridge? We’ve lined up an attraction quiz to give your brain a capital work out!

Playing is easy! There are 17 attractions to identify – put your guess in the boxes and once you think you’ve got them all, hit Go and find out how you did! Have you got a better eye for the London attractions than your friends? And the quicker the better, of course!

And if one of the 17 takes your fancy, we sell tickets to all of them! Including our awesome special offer on our London Zoo tickets! (Oops, I hope that wasn’t a clue snuck in by a quiz cheetah!)

Good luck!

Attraction #1

Attraction #2
Attraction #3
Attraction #4
Attraction #5
Attraction #6
Attraction #7
Attraction #8
Attraction #9
Attraction #10
Attraction #11
Attraction #12
Attraction #13
Attraction #14
Attraction #15
Attraction #16
Attraction #17

Name (for the leaderboard)Email*

Leaderboard- the top scorers!

  1. Jon - 17 points
  2. Cindy Lau - 16 points
  3. Timi - 14 points
  4. Big Head - 14 points
  5. Sam - 14 points
  6. Quizzie Lizzie - 13 points
  7. Moriarty - 13 points
  8. - 13 points
  9. Lorraine Portch - 12 points
  10. Peter Grant - 12 points

*Please note, by providing your email, you are signing up to receive super amazing, offers on our top attractions.

About the author

Cindy Lau

Cindy is AttractionTix’s PR and outreach manager, a self-confessed geek, she spends her time playing games, watching sci-fi films and visiting geeky attractions like the Harry Potter studios and doing the Doctor Who walking tours. Being a gigantic Game of Thrones fan, her favourite trip was one to Dubrovnik where parts of the series was filmed.