Can you get a #SelfieWithShakespeare for his 400th Anniversary?

June 17, 2016

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“By the pricking of my thumbs, something wicked this way comes”…

Macbeth, Act 4, Scene 1

William Shakespeare was born 452 years ago…and then died 52 years later, on his birthday, which must have ruined the party a bit. Still, he’s not famous for being a party-pooper; he’s more widely known as the greatest playwright and poet ever to have lived.

As it’s the 400th anniversary of his legacy, the Shakespeare Birthplace Trust are issuing the public with a unique challenge: can you take a #SelfieWithShakespeare?

All the world’s a stage

As You Like It, Act 2, Scene 7

Not sure where you should take your pictures? Lucky for you, Shakespeare was a well-travelled man! He lived in Stratford-upon-Avon for much of his younger life before moving to London where he wrote plays, joined a theatre company and played many of the leading roles.

Visit the Shakespeare Birthplace Trust or take a City Sightseeing Stratford-on-Avon bus to see the place where Will was born, and where you can see your favourite Shakespeare scenes re-enacted by Shakespeare ALOUD!

Shakespeare has long been linked to the Royal Family–some even suspect Queen Elizabeth I of writing the plays! Now Windsor Castle explores the relationship with their new exhibit, Shakespeare in the Royal Library.
Or visit London to take a #SelfieWithShakespeare in his own theatre, The Globe.

Be not afraid of greatness. Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and others have greatness thrust upon them

Twelfth Night, Act 2, Scene 5

As we’re celebrating the 400th anniversary of Shakespeare’s life, we wouldn’t want your selfie to disappear into the internet after 2016 is over! That’s why all of the images are being collated into a digital photo album and a commemorative piece of art.

So it’s important you tag your tribute to The Bard as #SelfieWithShakespeare! William himself may have spelt his last name lots of different ways, but he didn’t have to use a hashtag.

The play’s the thing!

Hamlet, Act 2, Scene 2

Want to see some of Shakespeare’s plays in action, but don’t want to head to London? The Royal Shakespeare Company are based in Stratford-Upon-Avon! There are plenty of activities to do and tours to take even if you’re not there to see a show. Follow the Shakespeare Steps or visit the Dressing Up Box—fun for all the family.

Royal Shakespeare Company #selfiewithshakespeare

A photo posted by mlauracatao🎭 (@mlauracatao) on

To thine own self be true…

Hamlet, Act 1, Scene 3

Don’t try too hard! Sure, maybe it’d be great to buy your own ruff or doublet, but then you’ll have to wait for delivery, maybe distress the cuffs a little bit, and figure out how to wear it without it coming undone every two seconds. It’s much simpler to visit Shakespeare’s houses and use one of their Shakespeare selfie ruffs!

My mistress’ eyes are nothing like the sun

Sonnet 130

Take some tips from Shakespeare’s portraits for your selfie! Stand in profile, look a little bit serious but with a hint of a smile, and snap away. There are sure to be lots of pictures of the great man around for practice!

Actress Alecia Batson’s selfie demonstrates the perfect ‘Shakespeare face’:

Exit, pursued by a bear

The Winter’s Tale, stage direction

Don’t take too long perfecting your selfie face! As it’s the 400th anniversary of Shakespeare’s legacy this year, there are plenty of exhibitions and activities to do and if you spend too much time posing you’ll miss out on other golden selfie opportunities!

Shakespeare taking a selfie

Christian Borle, starring in the Broadway show ‘Something Rotten’ as William Shakespeare, has an unfair advantage in this #SelfieWithShakespeare lark…

Get your own #SelfieWithShakespeare – visit Shakespeare’s Houses this summer!

About the author

Emma Pearson

Emma is a copywriter with AttractionTix. Her favourite things include baths, other people’s cats, Broadway, and really pretty books. Her favourite things to do on holiday generally involve reading somehow.

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